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Ghost Plant |
The common ornamental plants are Rose, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera, Anthurium, Orchids, Tulip, Lilium, Alstroemeria, Gypsophila, Licianthus, Statice, Apragus and Ferns. Other ornamental plants include Ficus, Geronia and Fuchsia.
List of Ornamental Plants, Trees and Grasses
S. No. | Common Name | Scientific Name | Origin | Note |
1. | Philodendron | Philodendron tripartitum | Tropical America | Ornamental plant |
2. | Buddha Belly Plant | Jatropha podagrica | Topical America | Used to treat skin diseases |
3. | Silver Oak | Grevillea robusta | Eastern Coastal Australia | Wood is used in furniture |
4. | Giant Taro/Mankachu | Alocasia macrorrhizos | Malaysia | used in treatment of diabetes |
5. | Tri Colour Dragon Tree | Dracaena marginata Tricolor | Madagascar | Ornamental plant |
6. | Cordyline fireband | Cordyline fruticosa | Newzealand | used in medicine and foodstuff |
7. | Large leaved Dragon Tree | Dracaena margenata | Africa | Ornamental plant |
8. | Madagascar Dragon Tree | Dracaena marginata (Lemon& Lime) | Madagascar | Ornamental plant |
9. | Indian laurel/Sultan-Champa | Calophyllum inophyllum | India, Australia and Africa | grown for wood, oil, medicine and fruit (rat bait) |
10. | Foxtail fern | Asparagus densiflorus | South Africa | Used in ornamental decorations |
11. | Elephant Year Plant | Colocasia esculenta | Malaysia and Australia | Used as vegetable (plant is toxic if eaten raw) |
12. | Snake plant/Mother in Laws Tounge | Sansevieria roxburghiana | Africa and Madagascar | Traditional medicine for first aid |
13. | Pandan leaves | Pandanus amaryllifolius | India and Bangladesh | Used as spice or taste maker |
14. | False Agave | Furcraea foetida | Caribbean | Ornamental purpose and fibre making |
15. | Smooth Agave | Agave desmettiana | Eastern Mexico | Drought tolerant and flowers only after 8 years |
16. | Begonia/Shimpli | Begonia phrixophylla | Sub tropical and tropical region | Perennial flowering plant |
17. | Spath/Peace lily/Cobra plant | Spathiphyllum wallisii | Central America | Ornamental plant |
18. | Silver Queen | Aglaonema nitidum | Asia | Ornamental tree associated with good luck |
19. | Marantha/arrowroot | Maranta arundinacea | South America | For arrowroot |
20. | Tiger tooth aloe | Aloe juvenna | Kenya | Ornamental plant |
21. | Shell Ginger | Alpinia zerumbet | East Asia | Medicinal Uses |
22. | Asparagus Fern | Asparagus aethiopicus | South Africa | Ornamental plant; toxic to cats and dogs |
23. | Crispy wave fern/Birds nest palm | Asplenium nidus | East tropical Africa | used as traditional medicine for asthma, sores and weakness |
24. | Begonia Rex | Begonia annulata | Himalayas | Ornamental plant |
25. | Heart of Jesus | Caladium bicolor | Americas | Ornamental plant, toxic in nature |
26. | Croton | Codiaeum variegatum | Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia | Used as an ornamental plant |
27. | Dumb Cane | Dieffenbachia seguine | Tropical America | Used as an ornamental plant |
28. | Song of India | Dracaena reflexa | Madagascar | Used as ornamental and in treatment of malaria, diarrhea, dysentery and others |
29. | Airplane plant/Spider plant/St. Bernard's lily | Chlorophytum comosum | Southern America | Ornamental house plant |
30. | Cedros Island Live-Forever | Dudleyadensi flora | California | Garden ornamental plant |
31. | Viguier's Spurge | Euphorbia viguieri | Madagascar | Ornamental plant |
32. | Chinese Banyan | Ficus microcarpa | China | Ornamental purpose |
33. | Ghost plant/Mother of pearl | Graptopetalum paraguayense | Mexico | Ornamental plant |
34. | Swiss Cheese plant | Monstera adansonii | South America | Ornamental house plant |
35. | Fishbone fern | Nephrolepis exaltata | Tropical regions | Perennial plant |
36. | Prickly pear | Opuntia dillenii | Sub-tropical Americas | Ornamental cactus family plant |
37. | Yellow tower cactus | Parodia chrysacanthion | South America | Ornamental cactus family plant |
38. | Radiator plant | Peperomia acuminata | Central America | Ornamental house plant |
39. | Geranium Aralia | Polyscias guilfoylei | Africa and Asia | Ornamental house plant |
40. | Dinner Plate Aralia | Polyscias balfouriana | Australia | Ornamental house plant |
41. | Gun powder plant | Pilea microphylla | Florida, Mexico and West Indies | Ornamental |
42. | Moses in the Cradle | Tradescantia spathacea | Mexico | Ornamental house plant |
43. | Dwarf Umbrella | Schefflera arboricola | Trinidad | Ornamental house plant |
44. | Fishbone cactus | Selenicereus anthonyanus | Mexico | Ornamental cactus family plant; also known as zigzag cactus |
45. | Donkey tail | Sedum moraganium | Mexico | Flowers bloom in summer |
46. | Money plant | Scindapsus aureus | French polynesia | Ornamental house plant |
47. | Marble Queen | Scindapsus aureus | French polynesia | A variety of money plant |
48. | Spanish dagger | Yucca aloifolia | Atlantic and Gulf Coast | Used in making of soap and shampoo |
49. | Cardboard Palm | Zamia furfuracea | Mexico | Grows slow when young and grows fast when attains maturity |
50. | Christmas Tree | Araucaria columnaris | Australia | Purely ornamental garden |
51. | Starlight weeping plant | Ficus benjamina | Australia | Official tree of Bangkok |
52. | Copper leaf | Acalypha wilkesiana | Tropical and subtropical regions | Used in preparation of ointments |
53. | Revolution Gold | Melaleuca bracteata | Northern Australia | Also known as Black Tea Tree |
54. | Duranta Repens | Duranta repens | Tropical Americas | Favorite among butterflies for breeding |
55. | Bismarck palm | Bismarckia nobilis | Madagascar | Ornamental palm family plant |
56. | Ruffled fan palm | Licula Grandis | Vanuatu | Ornamental palm family plant |
57. | Butterfly palm | Dypsis lutescens | Madagascar | Ornamental palm family plant |
58. | Hardy bamboo palm | Chamaedorea microspadix | Mexico | Ornamental palm family plant |
59. | Queen Palm | Syagrus romanzoffiana | South America | Ornamental palm family plant |
60. | Bottle Palm | Hyophorbe lagenicaulis | Mauritius | Ornamental palm family plant |
61. | Pygmy date palm | Phoenix roebelonii | South East Asia | Ornamental palm family plant |
62. | Pony Tail palm | Beaucarnea recurvata | Mexico | Ornamental palm family plant |
63. | Butterfly palm | Dypsis lutescens | Madagascar | Ornamental palm family plant |
64. | Triangle palm | Dypsis decaryi | Madagascar | Fruit producing palm family plant |
65. | Royal palm | Roystonea regia | United States | used as construction timber, fruits are eaten by livestock and roots is used for medicinal purpose |
66. | Travellers palm | Ravenala madgascariensis | Madagascar | Sheath of the stem used for holding water in emergency |
67. | Korean grass | Zoysia tenuifolia | Asia | Used for stop soil erosion |
68. | Bermuda grass | Cynodon dactylon | Middle east | also known as crab grass |
69. | Rusty Acacia/Safed Khair | Acacia ferruginea | India | Mentioned in Mahabharata |
70. | Stone Apple/Bel | Aegle marmelos | India | Sacred in India, offered to Lord Shiva and known for its medicinal values |
71. | Green Giant/Thuja | Thuja occidentalis | North America | known as Morpankh, used in traditional medicine and oil is used in soaps and room sprays |
72. | Sandal wood | Santalum album | India | Known for its aromatic oils |
73. | Rubber tree | Ficus elastica | India | An ornamental commercial tree used for making rubber |
74. | Ashoka Tree/Devdar | Polyalthia longifolia | India | Ornamental commercial tree grown for its wood |
75. | Lemon Bamboo | Bambusa Vulgaris | India and China | Also known as Golden Bamboo, used as commercial and ornamental tree |